David Staub

  • My project would be a combination of History education and virtual reality.   With the release of the Oculus Rift and Gear VR and soon to be released PlayStation VR and HTC Vive, virtual reality is a real p […]

  • Hi everyone I wanted to alert you to a problem with one of our Content Management Systems.  Scalar is no longer working and redirects to a dead website. If you haven’t started the assignment yet or were like me a […]

  • Tonya I also had déjà vu with the readings this week, more specifically our first debates with Digital Humanities. Your concept of “Dh is the means not the end” reminded of the Thing Theory, that Digital Humanities is a prototype that theories can be built upon. In addition, your explanation of Web 2.0 could also be connected to the theory we pr…[Read more]

  • Tonya your writings about assistive technologies really resonated with me. Last year I was an intervention specialist at a virtual academy I helped create and using assistive technology was essential to our success. It’s amazing to see how one piece of assistive technology can change a child’s life. I had a couple nonverbal students that had…[Read more]

  • Sarah I feel your pain on being dazed after reading that book. I am not what some people call a “numbers guy”. Statistical data, charts, and numbers tend to bore me, so this read was very challenging for me. The book did bring up certain correlations between what we have already read and new material. I particularly connected with the part whe…[Read more]

  • I agree with you Arron about the fluidity of the definition of Digital Humanities and its contents. I personally like to think of Digital Humanities as a tool that allows us to see the wider world of the study of humanities. Much like how a microscope allows us to see the microbial world. Like I mentioned in my last post, Digital Humanities…[Read more]

  • I think with the example of YouTube there are different aspects of DH. From the business side of YouTube that predominantly deals with view numbers and advertising, I don’t think this is a good representation of DH. However, from the content creator side of YouTube this heavily deals with DH. Every graphic or topic that creators decide to add i…[Read more]

  • As we read more into Digital Humanities each week, we see how the field has evolved and the controversies that have followed.  This week’s readings predominantly dealt with the credibility of digital work and ho […]

    • David-
      The building block example of writing a paper, and starting out with research and developing a topic was a great example. Thank you for comparing DH to things that I can relate to and understand! It was very helpful to me.

    • David, this is a well-written and helpful articulation of the readings this past week. Thank you! I too went with the “combination of practices” approach. Much like the humanities in general, DH resists a concise definition, which makes the issue of credibility quite the challenge. For once, though, I found myself to be un-ruffled by what seemed (before reading) like a frustrating venture. I really love how Ramsay and Rockwell say that this questioning is a challenge that those in DH should welcome. I like the idea of a productive conflict, and I think this issue of credibility is a brilliant example of such conflict. While I’m sure this is easy to say from the outside of the issue, I truly felt that, as I was reading each different perspective, I was experiencing something exciting. The deep introspection and careful justification (often fairly and surprisingly emotive) born of this issue really helped me understand the field more (although I am still working on my own definition) and understand those who comprise its core.

    • David,

      This really helped to articulate and clarify the first round of readings. I liked what you said here:

      “Like most things in humanities, Digital Humanities functions better as a combination of practices rather than a defined methodology. With these combined practices we have the ability to observe multiple ideals and are not limited to one narrative.”

      The further I get in teaching and in my own education, the more I tend to conceptualize theories, tools, and practices as constellations, and that was the image you evoked for me here. It seems to me that at this point in DH’s life, DH is what we make of it.

    • Thank you for your summary of the readings! I can particularly relate to your last part about the multiple viewpoints of the topic of digital humanities, and how DH isn’t necessarily a concrete methodology. One of my strong interests as I pursue my degree is the relevance of multidisciplinary study, particularly the increase in multidisciplinary writing courses and emphases. With the plethora of uses for writing, why would we limit the majority of written work to essay format – especially when nearly zero professions consistently utilize essays? I think DH is similar – it takes many methodologies and practical applications and combines them to explore how they feed off of each other, shedding a light on the growing intertextuality of our age.

  • What is Digital Humanities? The better question is what isn’t Digital Humanities in electronic world that we live in today?  Prior to this class I had never heard of the term Digital Humanities.   Being a soci […]

    • David, good start, and I definitely agree with your implied point about one element of DH being essential for today’s wired (and wireless) world, namely, applying the kinds of questions we ask about philosophy or history or music to new media and modes of expression, for instance, to how people interact with youtube, and what that means in terms of how they perceive the world and their place in it. A question for you, similar to the question that I asked Sarah: is DH everything, and everything DH? For example, you mentioned Youtube. Is youtube, in and of itself, an example of a DH project, or is it how youtube could be interpreted that might be considered DH? Why or why not?

      • I think with the example of YouTube there are different aspects of DH. From the business side of YouTube that predominantly deals with view numbers and advertising, I don’t think this is a good representation of DH. However, from the content creator side of YouTube this heavily deals with DH. Every graphic or topic that creators decide to add is a representation of DH itself. I think of it in terms of politics of production, there is always a reason someone added a certain piece of content in their creation and it our job as students of DH to study why they added this content. Sorry for not giving a finite answer but I think defining DH is more philosophical than a science.

    • Love the MLA example! DH is everywhere!

    • Shoot. Was I not supposed to answer that? I apologize; I’m not familiar with blog etiquette!

    • I do not think that everything is considered DH. Youtube I do not think would fall into the category of DH. However, I will admit I am still blurry as to specifics on what would fall into the category of DH.

      • I don’t know if all Youtube videos would be considered digital humanities, but I think we could argue that a lot are. For example, any video analysis of literature like Thug Notes and anyone making book trailers, reviewing books, etc. While these things range from humorous to serious, they are still representations of the humanities in digital form. Additionally, historically, the humanities in academia study human life and culture. I think Youtube is a huge part of our culture right now in the form of representing culture through music videos, online tutorials, Youtube celebs, parodies, etc.

        I guess I struggled understanding where the “line” was drawn in DH based on this reading.

    • This is my comment sorry. I really thought I was logged in.

  • Hi Everyone,

    My name is David Staub and I am a first year Master’s student within the history department. I am currently working with Dr. Brooks recruiting graduate students for the History department. I got my undergraduate degree in integrated social studies with a minor in political science from BGSU and taught for a year after g…[Read more]

  • David Staub became a registered member 8 years, 9 months ago